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3. What you HEAR is what you SAY.

(Total 10%)

(a) What is the hearsay rule? (5%)

(b) In relation to the hearsay rule, what do the following rules of evidence have in common? (5%)

(1) The rule on statements that are part of the res gestae;

(2) The rule on dying declarations;

(3) The rule on admissions against interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The Hearsay Rule, generally, is a rule of evidence which provides that a witness can testify only to those facts which he knows of his personal knowledge.


The said three rules (rule on statements as part of the res gestae, dying declarations, and admission against interest) have in common the following:

1. They are exceptions to the hearsay rule;
2. The statements are regarded as trustworthy because the declarants uttered them under circumstances where motive to lie is not present.