Use this website to share your legal mind. Please feel free to post your Suggested Answers to these Bar Questions. You can also view and response to the opinions of others.

1. Foreign Judgments

(Total 10%)

(a) What are the rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in our courts? (6%)

(b) Can a foreign arbitral award be enforced in the Philippines under those rules? Explain briefly. (2%)

(c) How about a global injunction issued by a foreign court to prevent dissipation of funds against a defendant therein who has assets in the Philippines? Explain briefly. (2%)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



The rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment in our courts are the following:

1. The foreign judgment must not be contrary to our laws;
2. The country which rendered the judgment must have diplomatic relations with the Philippines;
3. The Philippines and the country which rendered the judgment must be signatories to a treaty or international agreement which served as the basis of the judgment;
4. The foreign judgment must be of such nature as will allow our courts to enforce the judgment effectively;
5. An action has to be filed in our courts for the enforcement of the foreign judgment.


Yes, because an arbitral award, foreign or not, has the effect and authority of a judgment.


Our courts are not automatically enjoined to enforce a global injunction issued by a foreign court to prevent dissipation of funds against a defendant who has assets in the Philippines. An action to enforce such injunction still has to be filed in our courts.